Interview with a Meharrian: The Bianca Marks Story

Today we have one of my oldest friends Bianca Marks sharing her story. Bianca is a medical school student at Meharry and she has a cool perspective for anyone who wants to pursue medicine and learn how a medical student’s life operates.


1. Who are you to the world?

My name is Bianca Marks. Im from the Atlanta suburbs and am a student at Meharry Medical College School of Medicine. Outside of the library and hospital  I enjoy traveling, baking, crafting, and a good movie night. I have a passion for working with children and hope to go into Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.


2. What has been your journey to medical school? 

Im a traditional student. I went straight to medical school after undergrad and always knew I wanted to be a doctor!


3. Why did you want to become a doctor?

I wanted to become a doctor because I wanted to help save and transform lives. Something about being the difference between life and death in a persons life was very appealing to me at a young age, and the appeal never wavered. Additionally I chose medicine because I wanted to integrate my passion for helping children with my own intellectual curiosity.


4. How is your medical school structured?

The first two years are spent in the classroom learning the basic sciences. The third year is spent doing core clinical rotations, and the fourth year is primarily spent doing elective rotations in the field of your choice.


5. Can you walk us through a typical day for you?

Right now Im on the Psychiatry clerkship. A typical day starts at about 9am and ends at 4pm. I see patients, write patient notes, make presentations, and shadow attendings and residents throughout the day.


6. How diverse is your school? How do they embrace diversity within the class? Could you describe your student life?

I go to an HBCU and it is very diverse. We have people from many different countries, socio economic backgrounds, and parts of the US. We have several student organizations that celebrate the various cultures that students come from. Student life is very active at Meharry. There is always something going on, but it is important to strike a balance between doing social activities and being dedicated to ones studies.


7. Describe one of the best experiences you have had at your medical school: 

The best experience Ive had was passing Step 1 of USMLE. It was such a magical feeling and such a big relief. Additionally Ive enjoyed getting to know my friends/classmates who are an integral part of my life both inside and outside of school.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

8. What are your favorite blogs, magazines, or websites right now?

My favorite blog is Pinky Promise!


9. Biggest advice for pre-meds and incoming medical school students?

My biggest advice is to enjoy college and your time before medical school as much as possible because once med school starts its like drinking water from a fire hydrant.


10. If you won the lottery what would you do with the money?

I would pay my student loans off and would travel the world for a year.

I want to thank Bianca for answering some candid questions about her life and medical school – I know she is on to great things!

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